The Family Camp Experience

September 6-9, 2024
What is Family Camp?
With no cleaning or cooking, and very little planning, you are free to just have a great time.
Planned events and plenty of free time encourage spontaneous conversation so you can get to know your kid even better.
Stepping away from technology and daily tasks frees you to fully enjoy uninterrupted time together.
While having a blast together, lasting faith is being developed.
Replenishing Our Souls
“I will replenish the weary and satisfy the faint.” - Jeremiah 31:25
If we want to rekindle our fire for Christ, then there are several things we must be intentional about doing. The first is we must allow God to replenish our souls. When God created humankind, the Bible says that God breathed His breath into the nostrils of Adam, and he became a living soul.
Our soul is that part of us that, according to classical Christian theology, is made in “the image of God.” The 16th-century mystic and Catholic priest John of the Cross said, “God is awakened in the soul. God breathes in the soul.” It is the one thing we possess that resembles God, and as such it distinguishes us from all other creatures in the animal kingdom.
It is that part of us where emotional feelings reside — the part that produces compassion and concern — that is moved when others hurt or find themselves in trouble. God has ingeniously designed us with a soul. The soul is the essence of who we really are. We are not physical beings that possess a soul, we are souls that possess a body.
The soul houses the mind, the will, and the emotions. It is in the soul and with the soul that we love God, ourselves, and the world. But as central as the soul is, we can become spiritually disconnected from the source of our being sometimes. We can lose the connection we once had. We look at the world and become overwhelmed by what we see.
We long for the ways of God. Since the deer cannot live without water (Psalm 42), the things of God are a part of the core curriculum of our faith; they are not electives. Are you in a season where you need to thirst again for the things of God? Do you need to allow Him to replenish your soul?
It might be time to turn off the phone, shut down the news, get off social media, take a break from Netflix and online shopping, and get in the face of God. In a world where so many different sources have a voice, sometimes we must shut them all off to listen to the one voice we need: His.
From - No Limits with Pastor Delman
Prices for Family Camp
Tent and RV Camping (bring your own tent or rv / camper) or Day Rate (come during day go home at night)
$85 for children 3-11 and - 2 and under FREE ​
$175 for youth & adults 12 and over
Dorms (bring your own bedding and bath towels) ​- SHARED NOT PRIVATE
$125 for children 3-11 and - 2 and under FREE ​
$250 for youth & adults 12 and over
​Lodges and Cabins (think AirBnB / hotel style accommodations)
$185 for children 3-11 and - 2 and under FREE ​
$375 for youth & adults 12 and over​
You are ENCOURAGED to create your own groups and double up in any of the accommodations to the capacity listed for the room you have selected.
Prices include 3 nights stay and all meals from Friday dinner through Monday breakfast.
Check in Friday 4pm - Check out Sunday 10am